Steven Adams shares his crack-up NSFW advice for young NBA players

Steven Adams shares his crack-up NSFW advice for young NBA players

I guess these are words to live by now.

Steven Adams is always gold when behind the microphone and in front of the camera and his latest soundbite proves no different. 

Weeks after teaching a young American fan some manners, the Big Kiwi has shared some crack-up NSFW advice for young players entering the NBA.

Appearing on his Memphis Grizzlies teammate Danny Green's podcast ‘Inside The Green Room’, Steve revealed he passes on the advice that his former teammate on the Oklahoma City Thunder Nick Collison once told him. 

“I share my story sometimes with some of the Memphis dudes here - if they take something from it they do,” Steve said. “If they’re curious they’ll ask… the biggest thing I try and teach them is what Nick Collison taught me, which is super valuable cause I think too much in games," he said before finally sharing the advice. 

"It's a simple quote bro: 'less brains, more cock and balls'."

Danny Green agreed that it is some sage advice, saying: 

“That’s a great way to live… that’s one to live by.”

The whole interview is a really good, laid-back watch. Steve shared some more crack-up stories from his time in the NBA. 

One of the more interesting regards Steve being on the wrong end of a dreaded nipple twist during a tight moment near the end of a game. The San Antonio Spurs were in overtime against Steve’s Grizzles when Adams was guarding Spurs’ rookie Jeremy Sochan. 

“It was the very last play… I had to guard [Sochan] and I was checking out their play just trying to see if it was familiar with anything I’d seen them run in the past,” Steve explained. 

“While I was looking he just like came over, pushed me and he grabbed and pinched my nipple. I was like ‘what the fck dude?!’”

As to why Sochan did it, Steve reckons it was simply a weird distraction. 

“I’ve filtered it down to ‘okay, he’s trying to throw me off the play’ or whatnot. But I was like ‘dude, you could have done anything else’,” Steve finished.