'Is it fair to have two talents?': NZ Black Ferns blow fans away with viral post-match waiata

'Is it fair to have two talents?': NZ Black Ferns blow fans away with viral post-match waiata


The Black Ferns are showing off their mad skills in a viral video that's got us wondering if they’ve picked the right career!

Our legendary NZ women’s rugby team wowed us with their amazing voices in a TikTok that racked up 140K views in just 24 hours.

After smashing the Wallaroos 67 - 19 and keeping the O’Reilly Cup, the gals took to the post-match press room and belted out the waiata ‘Tōku Reo, Tōku Ohooho’.

Their mates and whānau cheered them on from gameplay to the celebratory sing-along.

The whole video’s got this super wholesome vibe, with a few players even holding their little ones while they sang with the team.

Most would think a rugby squad might be a bit off-key, but whoah they've blown us away with those pipes! 

“Beautiful waiata whānau❤️,” said one fan. 

Another wrote: “Cheeeeaaaaa neat alright wahine toa 👌.”

“Is it fair to have 2 talents? Beautiful x,” added a third.

This isn’t the first time the Black Ferns have captured the internet’s attention with their tunes. Remember when Ruby Tui and former PM Jacinda Ardern led a kiwi crowd in a waiata of 'Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi' for US actress Natalie Portman?

Nothing brings us together like a good waiata - we love it, ladies!