The average Kiwi body count has been revealed and it's higher than nearly every other country

The average Kiwi body count has been revealed and it's higher than nearly every other country

If you're single and ready to mingle, get yoself to Turkey!

Turns out we be skuxxing more than nearly anywhere else on Earth. 

In a new survey by World Population Review (WPR), New Zealanders have the third-highest average number of sexual partners in the world, with 13.2 throughout a lifetime. Of the 46 countries surveyed, we were only beaten by Turkey (14.5) and Australia (13.3). 

Countries with the highest average number of sexual partners

  1. Turkey: 14.5
  2. Australia: 13.3
  3. New Zealand: 13.2
  4. Iceland: 13
  5. South Africa: 12.5
  6. Finland: 12.4
  7. Norway: 12.1
  8. Italy: 11.8
  9. Sweden: 11.8
  10. Switzerland & Ireland (tied): 11.1

I know it’s Valentine’s Day and everyone’s either boo’d up or ready for a night in with the gals, but let’s get to number one! Just kidding. 

As WPR point out, “cultural norms have a significant impact on the number of people someone has sex with”. Things like religion, marriage and education affect how people view sex, and those things differ depending on what country you're in. 

Those are some of the reasons experts believe Indians have the lowest average number of sexual partners in a lifetime (3.0). The rest of the bottom five are Asian countries too, with China (3.1), Vietnam (3.2), Hong Kong (3.7) and Vietnam (5.1) coming out as the least promiscuous countries. 

Countries with the lowest average number of sexual partners

  1. India: 3
  2. China: 3.1
  3. Vietnam: 3.2
  4. Hong Kong: 3.7
  5. Indonesia: 5.1
  6. Slovakia: 5.4
  7. Malaysia: 5.8
  8. Germany: 5.8
  9. Poland: 6
  10. Spain: 6.1


To end on a wholesome note, in 2017, scientists found the number of sexual partners per year that maximises happiness is one!

Happy Valentine’s Day team!