'Never seen them so big before bro': Fellas go viral for finding HUGE toheroa in Invercargill

'Never seen them so big before bro': Fellas go viral for finding HUGE toheroa in Invercargill

Far out, look at the size of the kai moana!

One fella was stoked after his cuzzy took him to collect toheroa from a beach in the deep South - but these weren't just any toheroa, they were GIANT toheroa.

Tiktoker @te_ururangi probably didn't expect to come across such incredible kai moana, but he definitely wouldn't have expected his day at the beach to go viral.

“Check out that big boy," he says after digging for the delicacy in the wet sand.

He then assures us: “By the way, I got a permit, otherwise you’re not allowed to touch these. I think we’re allowed 20.” 

Te Ururangi's TikTok also got picked up and shared by Ladbible NZ, where it's already been racking up the likes and comments.

"Massive af tho bruv never seen b4," one commenter wrote.

Another agreed writing on Te Ururangi's vid: "THOSE ARE MASSIVE 🔥🔥"

While a third said: "Nice size, that's a good sign to see 👍"

Now, don't go grabbing your shovel and bucket just yet. There's a very good reason why toheroa are off-limits in most cases.

They used to thrive along the western beaches of the North Island (Ninety Mile, Ripiro and Muriwai). but these days, the kai moana is a rare find.

Only Southland's Oreti and Te Waewae toheroa numbers seem to be doing alright.

"There is a ban on collecting these shellfish for a very good reason. The toheroa fishery was closed across the country in 1982 after a massive reduction in numbers,” says Ministry for Primary Industries spokesman, Steve Rudsdale.

"Their existence remains fragile and they cannot be disturbed.”

According to Fisheries (Amateur Fishing) Regulations: “You cannot take or disturb any toheroa except by customary fishing permit.”

Because disturbing them is a big no-no, and trust us, you don't want to mess with that rule – not when there's a fine of up to $20,000 on the line.