Edmonds’ classic Kiwi cookbook translated into Te Reo with new Māori food recipes added

Edmonds’ classic Kiwi cookbook translated into Te Reo with new Māori food recipes added

Is it really a Kiwi kitchen if you don't have that book?

One of the most recognisable books in kitchens across Aotearoa is now available in Te Reo

Edmond’s ‘My First Cookbook’ has been translated and is now available as ‘Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi’, with the new edition also including recipes for Māori kai. 

It is meant to be a cookbook for tamariki, but translator Dr Jen Martin reckons it will help people improve their te reo Māori language skills. 

“Mā te whakaputa i ēnei momo rauemi kei te whakaputa i ngā rauemi hei hāpai i te rere o te reo i tēnei horopaki o te tao kai, o te tunu kai,” she told 1News Te Karere

(“By producing these kinds of books, we’re publishing resources to support the use of Te Reo in the context of cooking and baking”)

“He hāpai i ngā mātua i a rātou e kimi huarahi ana e rere ai te reo Māori i waenga i a rātou me wā rātou tamariki.”

(“It supports parents as they find ways to use Te Reo among themselves and their kids.")

“Ko tētahi o ngā mea pai katoa ki a au mō tēnei o ngā pukapuka, kua āpiti atu ētehi anō tohutaka mō ngā kai Māori nei. Nā reira kua whai wāhi atu ko te ika mata, ko te kai kōhua, ērā momo kai katoa.”

(“One of the things I enjoy most about this book: we've added some recipes for Māori food, so there's raw fish and boil-up, those sorts of foods.”)

‘Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi’ is one of 100 Te Reo books aimed to be made by the Kotahi Rau Pukuapuka initiative. 

Launching back in 2020 with the release of four books, the initiative “is founded on the belief that an abundance of quality literature in te reo Māori is a critical support for our whānau and communities engaged in language revitalisation.”

‘Taku Puka Tohutao Tuatahi’ is available to buy now so get ready for some mean kai kids.