Aussie singer stunned as trusting NZ Maccas worker hands over car keys in late drive-thru mish

Aussie singer stunned as trusting NZ Maccas worker hands over car keys in late drive-thru mish

"Dude, this is the best night of our lives."

An Aussie fella who recently travelled to our beautiful country claims “New Zealanders are some of the nicest people in the world”.

Musician Jamie Tkalcevic uploaded a vid to his Instagram where he delves into his trip across the ditch, writing: “I just had to share the hilarious start we had to our most recent New Zealand trip.”


As he gets into the nitty gritty of it all, Jamie shares his unfortunate run of events which began as soon as the plane hit the tarmac. 

After getting off his redeye flight from Melbourne, it seems his initial welcome to Aotearoa was anything but warm. 

After getting scared “sh**less” by a hedgehog and the alarm to his Airbnb blasting in the wee hours of the night, he and his travel mate Ben were obviously wide awake and became rather hungry for a feed of Maccas. 

However, as many of us know, trying to get a feed at 3am without a car can prove quite the mish.

Luckily, Jamie and Ben were spotted by one very trusting worker at the local Maccas, who handed his car keys through the drive-thru window so the fellas could secure a meal. 

“What the hell is happening?” Jamie said in shock at the worker's genorosity.

When they pulled up to the window, another employee offered Jaime and Ben another act of kindness.

The employee said: “I’m giving you half price. It’s too funny.”

SOURCE: @jamietkalcevic on Instagram 

As they paid for their feed, the Aussies responded: “Dude, this is the best night of our lives.” - I’d say! 

The guys secured their food and returned the keys to the worker who simply responded with a classic “It’s all good” to their thank yous.

Only here in NZ would we be so trusting of two random guys just trying to grab a late-night feed. I guess we may be some of the nicest people, but obviously, we’re too humble to toot our own horn.

Shout out to Jamie and Ben for sharing their love for our amazing Aotearoa and our late night drive-thru staff.