We all know breakups SUCK! It’s that roller coaster ride that no one ever bought a ticket for, yet somehow, a lot of us may find ourselves on that ride at some point. But, it doesn’t mean you have to face it alone. Not only are your friends and whānau there to lift you back up, but the power of music can help you embrace those emotions too!
Mai Morning Crew's Tegan and Fame, and Mai Days' Storme asked for the most top-tier embarrassing tracks from the Mai whānau that helped them through a breakup. Whether it was a song to get you in your feels, or something to hype you up, the Mai whānau came through with some solid recommendations to help ease those heartbreak blues.
Fame: Ne-Yo - Miss Independent
Storme: Fergie - Big Girls Don’t Cry
Tegan: Destiny's Child - Survivor
Megan: Six60 - Purple
Jamie: Madison Ryann Ward - Mirror
Mosese: Brian McKnight - 6, 8, 12
So if you’ve gone through a break-up recently, or dealing with one right now, visit our Mai Aroha Pai hub to connect with people who might be in the same waka as you!
Or check out Own The Feels for more resources from a community of the freshly broken up, giving themselves and each other the inspiration they need to #OwnTheFeels