Self Help Tools

Self Help Tools

25 August 2022 2:08PM helps New Zealanders recognise and understand depression and anxiety, and has information on taking small steps towards mental wellbeing. This website is great for adults who want to work through their depression and anxiety – take a self-test to see how you’re feeling, watch videos to hear about other people’s experiences and learn something you can do to help yourself for Māori has a Māori homepage which has an introduction from Dr Te Kani Kini, information on Māori perspectives on depression and anxiety, and video stories from people including Pasifika who have come through journeys with depression and anxiety. It also has links to self tests, and the online self-help programme The Journal.

To find out more, visit for Pasifika has a Pasifika homepage which has an introduction from Saveatama Eroni Clarke, information on Pasifika perspectives on depression and anxiety, and video stories from people including Pasifika who have come through journeys with depression and anxiety. It also has links to self tests, and the online self-help programme The Journal.

To find out more, visit

The Lowdown

The Lowdown is a website to help young New Zealanders recognise and understand depression or anxiety to reduce the impact depression or anxiety has on their lives, now and throughout their adult lives.

On the site young people can find helpful information on anxiety, depression, and other life issues they may be struggling with, such as leaving school, cultural identity, or relationship break-ups. There’s also videos of young people sharing their journey through anxiety and depression, and information on healthy behaviours to build resilience and wellbeing.

For more, visit

Aunty Dee

If your problems are getting you down, check out Aunty Dee - it’s a free online tool to help you work through your problems and find a solution.

Mental Wealth

Check out the Mental Wealth website to learn how to look after your mental health. Make yourself rich in mental wealth so you can spend it on taking care of yourself and others.