Tegan and Nate lose it after Nate pulls Palagi voice during break
Mai Morning Crew
Mai Morning Crew

Tegan and Nate lose it after Nate pulls Palagi voice during break

This one-liner from Nate really did it aye.
25 August 2022 2:08PM

Uncle Nate forgot to set his alarm properly yet again so it went off at 5.58am today (he has a show to run 6am everyday so...) Nickson suggested he should just ask Siri to help him set up a proper alarm that will get him to work on time.

Tegan agreed and told Nate how to ask Siri to do it for him but did it with a low-key 'racist' Palagi tone (lol).

Nate thought it would be hilarious to do the entire break with his Palagi voice so he did and Tegan and Nickson lost it.