Matariki officially made a public holiday for 2022

Matariki officially made a public holiday for 2022

25 August 2022 2:08PM

Jacinda Adern announced today that the first Matariki public holiday will be on Friday the 24th of June in 2022.

The Māori New year won’t be on a fixed day but will change to ensure it is on during the rising of Matariki.Tikanga and astronomy experts will be setting the dates in future but it’s likely to always be on a Monday or a Friday. 

"This will be a day to acknowledge our nation's unique, shared identity, and the importance of tikanga Māori. It's going to be something very special, and something uniquely New Zealand.”

"It's great to have the date locked in for next year. This will be a day to acknowledge our nation's unique, shared identity, and the importance of tikanga Māori. It's going to be something very special, and something uniquely New Zealand," she said

The last public holiday to be announced in New Zealand was Waitangi Day in 1974, which was almost 50 years ago.

The new Matariki Advisory Group includes Professor Rangiānehu Matamua (chair), Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr, Rereata Makiha, Victoria Campbell, Dr Pauline Harris, Dr Ruakere Hond, and Jack Thatcher.

"This group will ensure that Mātauranga Māori is at the forefront of decision-making about the public holiday. Each of the members are recognised experts in Te Ao Māori and mātauranga associated with Matariki and the Maramataka," Māori-Crown Relations Minister Kelvin Davis said.

Having Matariki as a public holiday is more than just a day off or another new year. It gives us a chance to learn or educate ourselves on our history, traditions and stories. It’s a chance to mourn our loved ones that have passed in the last year and release their spirits. 

We’re excited to see all of Aotearoa learning and celebrating Matariki in the future.