This wāhine toa is going viral for blasting 'Poi E' while returing her work gear to Parliament

This wāhine toa is going viral for blasting 'Poi E' while returing her work gear to Parliament

“Te Ao Maori and Te Reo make Aotearoa New Zealand special and unique."

One woman has taken it upon herself to stick one to the new government by blasting Poi E outside Parliament. 

“Ka Ketes,” user @Shankie_ wrote alongside side her TikTok booming the Patea Maori Club’s waiata as she returned her work gear on the steps of The Beehive and walked away.

“Te Ao Maori and Te Reo make Aotearoa New Zealand special and unique. It shouldn’t be something to fear or try to eliminate. I’m out ✌️😘.”

Many have been reacting to the video with messages of tautoko for her bold move.

“As a fellow parliamentary service girly, I tautoko this HARD,” wrote one commenter.

Another said: “LOUDER FOR THE ONES IN THE BACK🔥🔥🔥🔥 let em knowww 💯🔥”

“Good on you girl be proud of who u are head up stay strong,” added a third.

The Coalition Agreement between National, NZ first and ACT has already unveiled over 200 policies, many of which are receiving heavy backlash for their impact on te ao Māori.

Just a few of the policies impacting Māori include: 

  • Orders for government agencies to “provide services based on need, not race”. 

  • The Coalition Government does not recognise the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as having any binding legal effect on New Zealand.

  • Legislate to make English an official language of New Zealand.

  • Ensure all public service departments have their primary name in English, except for those specifically related to Māori.

  • Require the public service departments and Crown entities to communicate primarily in English - except those entities specifically related to Māori.

  • Abolish the Māori Health Authority Te Aka Whai Ora

 In an interview with Te Ao News, Te Pāti Māori co-leader Rawiri compared the new policies to “being eaten by an evil presence”.

“He taniwha kikino kei te kai i a tātou.”

“This government wants to remove all trace of us as Māori - our language, our place as tangata whenua, our efforts to improve Māori health and include cultural considerations within Oranga Tamariki,” Waititi said.

“It also wants to wipe out what our ancestors envisaged through the Treaty of Waitangi.”

The TikTok video above is quickly gaining traction with 100k views and 13.5k likes in the last 24 hours.