Bailey from Mai Hot 20 is going to be a dad and he announced it in the most crack-up way

Bailey from Mai Hot 20 is going to be a dad and he announced it in the most crack-up way


Come May 2024 the Mai FM whānau will be welcoming its newest member.  Today, Mai Hot 20 host Bailey announced he is going to be a father!!!! Leshgo!!!!!!

His wife Sama shared an Instagram post announcing the news and we couldn’t be more stoked for them. Bailey decided to be a bit more tricky with telling the rest of the Mai crew. 

He invited Randy from Mai Home Run to play a sound-guessing game. First, he played audio of a dog toy, which Randy eventually got (with some help). Then, he played a sound that was a lot tougher to guess.

What Randy first thought was “a horror movie” turned out to be the audio of his wife’s ultrasound, confirming Bailey’s gonna be a dad. 

What a way to tell the bro. 

Bailey has been keeping it on the d-low for a while now, but now he’s more than happy to share how he and his wife found out. 

“We did the pregnancy test together and like to be honest we just laughed - we thought it was a joke,” he said. 

“Then we were like ‘We'll try one more’ and then like 'ohh we're having a kid!!'. We found out the day before the Eden festival!”

“Holding it a secret from everyone for ages was the hardest part. But we had a scan the other day. Everything looks healthy, baby's all good, baby's great - and hopefully baby's a girl, nahhhhh.”

Boy or girl, we know Bailey is gonna be an incredible dad and that baby is going to be beyond blessed.