Apparently there are 2  versions of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse playing in the theatres

Apparently there are 2 versions of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse playing in the theatres

And potentially there could be more...

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has been playing at the theatres for about three weeks now and apparently not all of us have watched the same movie!

The 2023 movie's editor Andy Leviton have now confirmed that there are actually multiple versions of playing in the theatres.

Few of the movie's fans recently realized that some of the scenes from the same movie was different when watching it again. 

"People are saying there’s two versions when lyla gets miguel to ask for backup.. one where she takes a selfie with him with a bunny filter and then another where she points at him??2?/" one viewer wrote.

That viewer then shared two videos showing how different the same scene was.

I recently watched it and I honestly don't remember seeing the bunny filter scene.

Retweeting the tweet, Andy Leviton, the editor of the film wrote: "I was wondering when people might start noticing…".

Another viewer added to the thread saying that there are other scenes that have different versions too, including the part where all the spiders are chasing Miles. 

Adding on to the thread, another viewer said:

"I thought I was going insane while I was watching reviewers because I noticed that in the chase scene there's also something different. In one version when the "spiders" get to this part they fall, while in the other they get launched in the air."

Although it seems like there aren't any major changes like the actual plot, there are few visual and dialogue changes.